Thursday, February 21, 2008

Austin Presidential Debate

Austin presidential debate

The presidential candidates are in town, the national media have arrived at the University of Texas and the debate-watching parties are preparing to rev up all across Austin, Texas. As word spread of the presidential debate was going to be held in Austin there has been a big whole hoopla about it. I must admit it is pretty exciting to see the presidential debate in the city you live in. It very historic to be able to see this debate or even hear it, or to have the chance to see maybe the first African American or maybe the first women president. The thing that really bugs me is that they are only allowing a certain few in to see this debate. I think it’s only like 100 people and the rest is all dignitaries. They way I see it if you want to reach out to the people and make an impact on the nation at lest have it where that you can speak to a really big group of people so a lot more public can go and see this event. So, you wouldn’t have a lottery system to pick the certain 100 people that can go. Especially in a state that is Republicans, but in a resent poll more than 12,870 Democrats voted Tuesday and Wednesday, compared with about 2,675 Republicans, the county clerk’s office said. So buy this debate its bringing out all the democrats to vote and make a change. They want to get the republicans out of office, and start a new presidency under the democratic party . All i have to say is let the little people in.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Congress Approves Tax Rebates

President Bush plans give the ailing U.S. economy a boost, including tax rebates of at least $600 person. This plan is designed to be a "shot in the arm" for the flagging economy. The plan is to give $600 payments for individuals — $1,200 for couples — plus $300 for each child younger than 17. It will begin to phase out eligibility at $75,000 in adjusted gross income for individuals and at $150,000 for couples. Workers who can show $3,000 in earned income last year — too little to payincome taxes — would be eligible for $300. The checks will be sent separately from tax refunds.With this tax refund President Bush hopes that it will help the economy, to get consumer out there and buy and buy. With this rebate it sounds like it would help the US economy in a big way , but i see different. With people in so much debt and houses for forecloser people are not wanting to buy more expensive things that would out them more in debt. Yeah the money will help but not enough to bring us out of the real word is depression not recession.This article was well informed to tell us the reader what to expect for the tax rebates and what the government excpects from it also. So I hope that the american public spends the money what fits their needs.