Friday, March 28, 2008
Ending the WAR!
There are many reasons to vote for the presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, but the one of the most important reasons is ending the war in Iraq and bring our troops home. Hillary Clinton has a three step plan to get the troops out Iraq and to end the war. The first is Starting Phased Redeployment within Hillary's First Days in Office: which means to end our military engagement in Iraq's civil war and immediately start bringing our troops home. Hillary's first official actions as president would be to convene the Joint Chiefs of Staff, her Secretary of Defense, and her National Security Council. She would direct them to draw up a clear, viable plan to bring our troops home starting with the first 60 days of her Administration. She would also direct the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare a comprehensive plan to provide the highest quality health care and benefits to every service member including every member of the National Guard and Reserves and their families. By drawing out this plan her actually stepping up to the plate and having e a plan to get the troops out of Iraq and stopping the war. Not only this has she having a healthcare planned for the troops and their families. Hillary Clinton second phase of the plan is Securing Stability in Iraq as we bring our Troops Home. As president, Hillary would focus American aid efforts during our redeployment on stabilizing Iraq, not propping up the Iraqi government. She would direct aid to the entities -- whether governmental or non-governmental -- most likely to get it into the hands of the Iraqi people. She would also support the appointment of a high level U.N. representative -- similar to those appointed in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo -- to help broker peace among the parties in Iraq. Her last stage of the plan is A New Intensive Diplomatic Initiative in the Region. In her first days in office, Hillary would convene a regional stabilization group composed of key allies, other global powers, and all of the states bordering Iraq. The- mission of this group would be to develop and implement a strategy to create a stable Iraq. It would have three specific goals:
• Non-interference. Working with the U.N. representative, the group would work to convince Iraq's neighbors to refrain from getting involved in the civil war.
• Mediation. The group would attempt to mediate among the different sectarian groups in Iraq with the goal of attaining compromises on fundamental points of disputes.
• Reconstruction funding. The members of the group would hold themselves and other countries to their past pledges to provide funding to Iraq and will encourage additional contributions to meet Iraq's extensive needs.
By Hillary putting out this three step plan to end the war in Iraq and to get the troops this attracts Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton because she a plan in motion and the first day in office she will put the three step plan in action.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Product saftey
U.S. Senate backs product safety overhaul
In this past year alone, more than 20 million toys have been recalled because they pose hazards to children. The CPSC, which is responsible for overseeing the safety of more than 15,000 consumer goods, employs fewer than 425 full-time staff, relies on antiquated testing facilities and employs just one full-time toy tester.There is a vote going on in the senate,the vote could mean a major boost in funding for the product safety commission and harsher penalties for companies that make hazardous products. A less expansive House bill, which had industry supportThe 79-13 vote could lead to a major expansion of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and stiffer penalties for companies that manufacture or distribute hazardous products.And it may mean broad new public access to information about potentially dangerous products before they are recalled. Manufacturers and retailers last year recalled more than 400 products, including millions of Chinese-made toys that contained lead paint, dangerous magnets or other hazards.The recalls sparked an intense effort on Capitol Hill to strengthen the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which has long had fewer investigative and enforcement tools than other federal regulatory agencies, such as the Food and Drug Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.The bill authorizes a phased $60-million increase in funding for the agency to boost its budget to $142 million by 2015, which, adjusted for inflation, would put the agency close to where it was in its heyday in the late 1970s.The Senate bill would also create an Internet database where consumers could post and search for complaints about potentially dangerous products. When senate passes this bill on product saftey , they will be saving so many lives of childern and the general public . I do believe that there will be some holes in the system , some products may fall threw the cracks , but when they do the produce will get a harsher punishment.